Triple tree R

Service Details

Trimming  is removing overgrown branches from crops such as trees, shrubs, and hedges. In this case, tree trimming only relates to trees. Extreme growth can prevent sunlight exposure to most parts of the tree hence inhibiting growth. They also prevent extra branches from accessing nutrients and moisture

Our responsibility

Our team of trained professionals uses precise pruning techniques to improve the shape of your trees, promote the development of strong branches, and remove any damaged or diseased branches. In addition, we make sure to respect the specific needs of each species, guaranteeing personalized treatment.

By choosing our pruning service, you are not only investing in the health of your trees, but also in the safety of your property. We remove branches that represent potential risks, preventing possible damage during storms or strong winds.

What can we support with?

  • We help you control potential risks

  • Reliable Solutions

  • Affordable price

  • Quality service

  • Professional Equipment

  • Dedication to client satisfaction

The Biggest Mistakes Homeowners Make When Trimming Their Own Trees

Have you ever tried to mow your lawn with a clogged grass chute? Most people sharpen their blades because grass is fairly easy to cut and they don't realize how much extra work they are creating for themselves. When you mow with dull blades, you are left with large clumps of grass all over your lawn and have to mow it all over again.

The same problem applies to tree trimming, but it's made worse because trees are harder to cut, not to mention more dangerous. If you make a mistake when pruning a tree, those branches won't grow back like your grass does.

Therefore, Triple Tree R has adequate tools, with excellent maintenance and appropriate for each type of service needed. Don't expose the life of your trees and yours.

Whether or not you’re using sharp tools, it’s important not to get carried away trimming your tree. All too often, homeowners think they need to trim more than they actually do. Over-pruning can really damage the tree–sometimes to the point beyond repair. You want to get rid of the dead and dying branches–not the ones that are going to keep your tree alive. 

Are you thinking about taking out the chainsaw and going to cut down that dead branch in your garden? Think again. While you may have the right idea of ​​what to do, how to do it is equally important. If you cut too close to the trunk, you could significantly damage the tree and create an uneven appearance to the bark. That disrupts the aesthetics of your landscape, and to make matters worse, you'll send out a big, warm welcome to diseases, fungi, and pests. If you don't cut enough, you might eliminate the danger of the tree's branches falling, but you're not helping the tree. The specialists at Triple Tree R know how to cut so the danger is eliminated, the tree can recover and look as beautiful as ever.

Some people see a storm coming and run for the toolshed to try and get the project done just in time. Bad idea. Not only is it extremely dangerous to prune during in climate weather, but after the storm passes, the tree will probably need some work done on it anyway…unless you’ve been on top of your tree trimming and pruning.

This is why it’s so important to be proactive with tree trimming and tree pruning. ISA Certified Arborists like to take care of all of their tree pruning services regularly so that the trees are prepared for surprise storms. It’s also good practice to have a professional tree trimmer stop by to take care of tree services in late fall or early winter so that the trees are ready to weather the storms and the cold.

It’s not that homeowners are careless; untrained people don’t know what they don’t know about how to do the job right. Tree pruning is a difficult and dangerous job, and it takes an investment of time, study, and practice to do it well. ISA Certified Arborists must not only study safety training measures, they have to continue their training and stay up-to-date on the latest safety measures to keep their certification. The nature of the job has always been dangerous, but fewer accidents happen when homeowners leave the job to professionals who are constantly gaining access to more technology and techniques to keep themselves safe.

Contact Us

(404) 426.3708

(404) 394 4283

Atlanta and surroundings, USA